Rivertown is Sensory Friendly

Rivertown Revival Sensory Friendly Kit: Photo of plastic boxes containing headphones and calming sensory stimulation items, like Lego bricks

Rivertown is a HUGE party, and the visual and musical stimulation can feel like chaos to some people. In an effort to offer the best experience for all of our attendees, we will have Sensory Friendly kits filled with several calming items and toys, and an assortment of noise cancelling head phones available at the Medical Tent to use during the event.

The medical tent will be located near the Kid’s Play Faire next to the Friends of the Petaluma Booth.

If you you know anyone who skips out on these types of events because they, or their child is easily overwhelmed, please pass this information on to them.

Kits will be available in our med tent.


Tony Speirs


Stephen Lockert