Rivertown Revival Plans for Greenest Event in Petaluma History
The official press release:
For release 4/22/2011
The Rivertown Revival Lays Groundwork for Greenest Event in Petaluma History Petaluma, CA (April 22, 2011) The organizing committee for Petaluma’s Rivertown Revival met with team members and vendors this week to outline the goals and strategy to make this large festival the greenest event in Petaluma History.
“BYOC (buy or bring your own cup) only begins to illustrate our commitment to limiting the environmental footprint of this event,” states Kelin Backman, chief organizer and proprietor of Clementine Eco-Events. “We are targeting every aspect, from an aggressive landfill-diversion program to solar powered generators, always keeping the impact to the peninsula and the environment at the top of our thoughts”
With over 6,000 people expected to attend, the organizing team knows that education, pre-event press, and ample informational signage on the greening elements will be the best hope for overall compliance by the event-goers.
“We’re hoping to get the word out about our water stations,” Backman continued, “we’re encouraging people to purchase low cost reusable bottles or pints to fill.” The organizers plan for multiple water-filling stations set throughout the 10-acre venue, and will be selling stainless steel bottles and pint cups, all created by sponsors Lagunitas Brewing Company and Heritage Salvage of Petaluma.
Attendees are encouraged to walk, carpool, or bike to the festival, and will be able to take advantage of a convenient and cost-free bicycle valet provided by the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition.
Once inside, they will notice the large solar panels brought in to power the stage and vendor booths, the compost and recycle bins, and the eco-friendly serviceware provided by the food vendors. Each vendor has been vetted by Green event expert, Green Mary, and is committed to mirror the Revival’s goals in waste and energy reduction .
Mary Munat, known as Green Mary, is working with the organizers on water stations, waste diversion, and all policies and procedures for the sustainability of the event. Together, the team has even negotiated with a local waste manager to process all plant-based disposable cups at the event into compost in the days following the Revival.
“Typically ‘compostable’ cups end up in landfills since they are not recyclable, or are hauled to Solano County which is the closest processor of these earth-ware disposables” emphasizes Kelin Backman. “We are over-the-moon excited that we can turn these cups into compost right here in Sonoma County- and keep them out of landfill, or worse, our river”.
Captain Dave Yearsley, Executive Director of Friends of the Petaluma River, the festival’s benefitting organization, has a special interest in the festival waste reduction plan. “Each year when we’ve organized a River Cleanup Day, we’ve hauled away countless plastic bags and hundreds of Styrofoam cups and fast-food containers from the banks of our River” Captain Yearsley declared. “We at the Friends of the River are taking an active role with Clementine Eco-Events and our food vendors to make sure that the only things seen on our banks are wildlife, native grasses and River aficionados.”
The Rivertown Revival is a fundraising event to benefit Friends of the Petaluma River who, in partnership with the City of Petaluma, are developing The River Heritage Center as a nature education resource for the community.
The weekend-long event kicks off with a fundraising bash on Friday night (hosted by The Handcar Regatta). Saturday’s Revival is an all-day festival, which includes art boat races and floating art barges, local music, artisan crafts, food and drink and over 40 fabulous local vendors. The focus on Petaluma continues Sunday with open farm tours offered to the participants.
To learn more about the Rivertown Revival, visit www.rivertownrevival.com
To learn more about Green Mary, visit http://www.green-mary.com/
To learn more about the Friends of the Petaluma River, visit http://www.friendsofthepetalumariver.org/
About Clementine Eco Events
Clementine plans eco-fabulous events that are mindful of environment, community and budget. We structure our services around the triple bottom line principle: economy, ecology, and community impact. We offer realistic options that lessen environmental footprint and are cutting edge in the green collar economy. A Clementine event is never trashy. Press Contact: Laura Bell Way laurabellway@gmail.com